•   温州医科大学化学生物学研究中心(以下简称中心)成立于2010年1月,是浙江省“炎症性疾病靶点与新药研究”高水平创新团队、温州市小分子药物协同创新中心,依托温州医科大学药学院进行建设。中心结合药物化学、药理学、分子与细胞生物学等学科,主要从事炎症相关疾病的新靶点、新机制和新药发现研究。现有博士以上研究人员11人(其中国家万人领军1人、优青1人、省杰青2人,另有博硕研究生40多人。目前,中心共主持承担国家科技部重点研发专项1项、国家自然基金重点项目1项,面上和青年项目60余项,浙江省杰出青年科学项目2项;获授权发明专利18项,公开国际专利2项;在Nat Comm、Diabetes、Kidney Int、TiPS、JMC、BJP等杂志发表SCI论文230余篇,平均影响因子4.5,被引逾3000次。 科研成果“调控慢性炎症防治代谢性疾病的机制和干预策略研究”获2018年浙江省自然科学一等奖、“以天然药物姜黄素为先导物的系列结构类似物设计与新药发现”获2015年教育部高校科研成果二等奖等;所研发的用于治疗脓毒血症、糖尿病并发症的多个新化合物显示出药理药代和安全性优势,成为1.1类候选新药,目前正在与相关企业合作进行新药开发。

      Chemical Biology Research Center (CBRC) was established in January 2010. This center is mainly engaged in the research on drug design, medicinal chemistry, chemical biology, molecular pharmacology, and drug development for the treatment of inflammation, cancer, and inflammation-mediated cardiovascular diseases. With the rapid development of CRBC, it has attracted thirteen outstanding researchers including one national and two Zhejiang provincial “Thousand Talents Program” distinguished expert, three professors, seven associate professors, twelve doctors, as well as more than 50 graduate students. Prof Guang Liang is the leader of this center. Meanwhile, CBRC has been sponsored by a number of research fundings from the national or provincial sources in the recent years, including more than 40 grants from National Natural Science Foundation of China. To the date, more than 170 peer-reviewed papers have been published in the journal of Nat Comm, Diabetes, Kidney Int, TiPS, JMC, BJP etc., accumulating more than 2000 citations. Hence the fruitful work from the CBRC has been well awarded by city government, provincial government and national Ministry of Education. In addition, CBRC have obtained 15 authorized Chinese patents in the field of new drug development. Four compounds discovered in our center have demonstrated promising pharmacological application and low toxicity, and now are under the pre-clinical evaluation as anti-inflammatory or anti-cancer candidates.

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